Favorite, Surprising Things New Jersey Skunks LOVE to Eat

Skunks are omnivores which mean that their regular meal is a mixture of plant-based food and animal materials. Contingent upon the availability of the food and the season, they have a tendency to consume more of the particular food items. For instance, during the summer and the spring season, the skunk will prefer to eat crickets, beetle, bees, and grasshoppers. When the winter months come, they will choose to eat fruits and nuts.

List of Things that New Jersey Skunks Eat

With regards to looking for their meal, the skunks are known as opportunistic Paterson creatures that prefer to attack the animals that are smaller to them. While they may be equipped with a strong defensive technique, they pale in comparison with other wild creatures when it comes to killing and combat. This is why they choose a target that does not pose any threat. In case insects are not available in their habitat, they will rummage through our garbage can to look for meals.

The Harmful Ones

With their spray that can cause temporary blindness, the skunk will appear to be a nuisance creature. However, they are actually docile in nature and beneficial to our environment. This is because of the fact that they will normally eat the things that are harmful to our environment. In fact, some of the favorite of the skunks include cockroaches, black widow, snakes, and scorpions. They also love to eat mice and rodents. Based on the study, at least 70% of the insects that the skunk eats are considered harmful to humans.

Little Animals

While New Jersey skunks love to eat insects, there are instances that it will not be available in their environment. During this time, they may choose to prey on small and helpless animals. Rabbits, voles, and the field mice can be targeted by the skunk. Birds that are building their nest on the ground are also possible victim of the skunk. They may eat their hatchlings and eggs. Other small animals that can end in their tummy include amphibians, reptiles, and fish.


As we mentioned above, skunks are omnivores which allows them to digest plant matters. During the winter season, insects and small New Jersey animals may not be available. This is why their natural food source would be the plants. They will still look for any insects that they can eat but they have learned to adapt to the plant diet in order to survive. Your corn, berries, grapes, and cherries will not be safe on the grasp of the skunk. Most of the time, they prefer the fruits that have already fallen to your ground since they are more accessible.

Finally, the Paterson skunks are also notorious for rummaging our trash can. They will take all the edible things that they can get. This is the perfect place to look for rotten foods and insects. Be sure that you will cover your trash bins with a secured lid if you don' t want this creature to create a mess. Your compost piles should be properly sealed to avoid catching the attention of the skunk.

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